Yesterday was Earth day, and it pleases me to see that there is actually a day dedicated to our planet.

Yesterday was Earth day, and whilst I don’t want to stand on my soap box and bore the nickers off anyone, it pleases me to see that there is actually a day dedicated to our planet. I have to say, that recently I have become more invested in these issues. Don’t get me wrong I am not going to stand on any picket lines until I get arrested, but there does need to be more widespread awareness of the problems we are currently facing; as a mother I cannot help but to consider the welfare of my son and his fellow humans when he gets to my age!

Never mind we have the mindless culling of animals until extinction, the over farming for meat, resulting in the the lack of water in our rivers , then there’s emissions, plastics and that’s just for starters! .. I believe, whilst perhaps not in our lifetime, this will catch up with us, if we don’t as individuals, do our little to help. After all, no fish in the seas, and no trees = no oxygen?! So do the math!

Did anyone watch the documentary ‘Seaspiracy’? I actually cried at the part where a massive group of people go on a barbaric whale hunt, I have never seen anything like it, what has our world become? It seems driven by nothing more than financial gain these days as far as I can see.. but there is a moral responsibility to all of us do our bit, just something… As Arnie says, “may be just chill with the meat a bit..”, or perhaps just have your own water bottle that you can fill up and drink from instead of buying one, turn lights off, car share where you can… whatever it is, just think about it peeps! luckily our world is capable of reversing from its global warming issues (I know this thanks to David Attenborough!) but nothing will improve without our help x

Thanks for listening.. over and out !


With a more responsible approach to interiors, Romo’s new collections are 100% recycled!


Today is Earth Day!