I learned some very interesting facts that I would like to share with you!

I watched a masterclass this week geared towards the facts about exercise & nutrition which if you are anything like me, you will have battled on the treadmill to shed those extra lbs all your life! I learned some very interesting facts that I would like to share with you!

For those that believe exercise alone will make you lose weight, did you know that it can actually cause stress! Which in turn increases cortisol levels in your body, which actually makes your body hold onto fat and retain weight!! Who knew! And welcome to the yoyo!

Did you know that Companies like weightwatchers and coca cola actually fund the surveys that tell you certain foods are good for you to lose weight, when in fact all they do is get you addicted to sugar so you go back and hand over more of your money to them?!  

Here are my top tips! … Do some deep breathing every day so your body knows you are safe! .Drink water every day it is so important to keep hydrated..Your immune system thrives on vitamin D so make sure you get lots of sunlight!

Physical touch and sense of community can actually enhance your mental and physical well being by sending happy messages to your brain, and warding off that cortisol!! (don’t get me wrong I am not suggesting you go and shag the first man that comes along in the middle of waitrose!)  but it is important to surround yourself with those that support you and your causes!

That’s me over and out! X x x


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How I love it when a wall comes down ! Never gets boring !