I was lucky to have caught the last performance of RIDE at the Charing Cross theatre on Saturday and what an absolute explosion of joy it was!
I was lucky to have caught the last performance of RIDE at the Charing Cross theatre on Saturday and what an absolute explosion of joy it was!
I wanted to share this because all too often, we hear the story of exceptional women whose stories are buried in history and I am delighted to share this one of Annie Kopchovski, who cycled lone around the globe in 1894, paving the way for the lionesses to roar today.
I fell in love with the story of this radical and exceptional, harvard educated woman, played so flawlessly and passionately by Liv Andrusia, who brought this character back to life for 90 amazing minutes, to share with her audience how in unprecedented times, having lived in poverty, a young immigrant woman abandoned her life and children to realise her dream and make history as Annie Londonderry.
We need more of this!
What forgotten women do you know that need to be remembered ? X